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  • Escorts Reveal the Do’s and Don’ts of Engaging With Them

    • May 20th, 2022

    There are a lot of things that people believe about escorts, and many of them are completely false. People might believe that you have to be incredibly rich to hire an escort or that you’re only using them for their body (there’s plenty more where that came from, too). That’s why we reached out to our network of adult entertainers to see what they had to say about the do’s and don’ts of engaging with an escort, and boy did they deliver! Here’s what they had to say.

    Respecting Escorts
    Escorts are real people with real feelings. Just because they’re paid for their time doesn’t mean you can treat them as objects. For example, we often have clients who ask us to wear something sexy for them or dress up for us in our favorite outfit. We prefer to choose what we wear ourselves, so asking an escort to dress a certain way is offensive. It also makes it clear that you’re paying her only for her looks—not her personality or intellect. And if she wants to show off her body, she will do it on her own terms; not yours.

    Prioritize safety
    Even if you’re meeting an escort in a seemingly safe environment, such as your hotel room, still make sure to take safety precautions. No one ever wants to be put in an uncomfortable situation, especially when it involves something as personal as adult entertainment. Remember: Escorts are not prostitutes—they engage in private encounters for mutual pleasure, so play it safe!

    Have fun!
    Escorts offer personal companionship; which means they like to have fun. If you’re not in a positive mood, if you’re taking your session too seriously, or if you have an unpleasant demeanor, she probably won’t get off. In general, escorts don’t like having a bad time; so make sure yours is great!

    Follow through on what you say
    If you offer to pay for dinner, a movie, or any other form of entertainment, follow through on your word. Escorts find it unprofessional when a potential client puts his money where his mouth is, then doesn’t follow through on what he promises. Offer to pay upfront; if you are able but choose not to pay upfront as an escort suggests, many escorts will refuse to continue forward with a scheduled date.

    Understand that they are human too.
    Meeting someone in person can sometimes be a scary experience. You are paying them for their time, so you don’t know what they expect or what will happen. You want to put your best foot forward so you have an enjoyable time. Escorts are humans too, and for most, it is their job—but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have feelings. Treat them with respect just as you would anyone else.

    Know how they want to be treated
    You can’t just walk into a courtroom or doctor’s office and demand your way. If you want to get something done, you have to go in there knowing what has to be done, how it needs to be done, and when it has to be done. The same is true for an escort. If you engage an escort, don’t expect them to do whatever pleases you.

    They need affirmation too
    Escorts in Las Vegas are professional service providers. Like everyone else, they want to be treated with respect. Even if you’re only looking for a quick hookup, treat them kindly. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. A little kindness goes a long way with an escort. In conclusion, always remember that escorts aren’t objects; they’re people just like you. Treat them as such, and your time together will be much more enjoyable for both parties involved.

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